Often referred to as Triarchy, triumvirate is the union of 3 powerful men holding power to govern a nation. This system originated in ancient Rome and 2 famous triumvirates have been formed since 60 BC. The following article is about the first Triumvirate formed between Julius Caesar, Pompey Magnus, and Marcus Crassus.
The democracy of Rome was governed by a senate, a counsel of elderly and intellectual electives, and over them presided the consul, who wielded more power than any other man in Rome.
War with Spartacus
The only way to achieve glory in the country was through the military, which symbolized that a man was capable of wielding power and wealth together. Julius Caesar was a part of a legion (an army of 5000 men) led by Marcus Crassus, who was referred to as the wealthiest man in Rome. As Caesar worked up the ranks of the military he became one of the most trusted men for Crassus and together, they defeated Spartacus (more about him in the next Voix de NMS edition, for now, let’s just say he was a great threat to Rome).
Enthralled by the victory, Crassus set out to Rome to celebrate, only to find out that someone else had outrun him. Pompey Magnus returned to Rome and declared himself as the victor in the war against Spartacus, thus falsely gaining the credit. This act of Pompey made him popular within Rome however his relations with Crassus began to deter. Pompey proposed a legislature to appoint land to his army, which continuously gets postponed by the senate.
State of a Civil War
Scared that if the land is not appointed to his legion, his men will leave him, and so will his significance, Pompey threatens a civil war.
Crassus is the main reason for Pompey’s legislature to be postponed. With Pompey intimidated about his men, things start to grow bitter on both ends and the legions of both men commence to assemble. Caesar’s father was once a wealthy man however, he was stripped of his wealth and power when he chose the wrong side in a civil war, Caesar on the other hand didn’t wish to commit the same mistake. In this disarray between Pompey and Crassus, Caesar sees an opportunity.
Gameplay of Julius Caesar
Caesar secretly invites both the rivals for discussion and proposes a truce, making them realise how much power they could attain if they united. Caesar proposes to make him the consul of Rome, in return, he will pass Pompey’s legislature and assist Crassus with his military conquests. Crassus was confident and trusted Julius however it was tough to achieve Pompey’s faith. Finally, Caesar gives Pompey his daughter's hand in marriage, thus attaining himself the title of Consul of Rome.
The Adventures of Julius Caesar begin now!
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